Here are Specialization Certifications
Specializations in diplomacy, international relations, and politics:
If you are already qualified, you may make REG PAYMENT here to have
your certification documents and member/Fellow Documents mailed to you address. Email us directly to
specify which certification you are eligible for and include your qualifying resume.
Certified International Security and Conflict Resolution Specialist (CISCRS): Focuses
on skills and knowledge related to conflict management, security analysis, and the resolution of
international disputes.
Certified Global Trade and Economics Diplomat (CGTED): Specializes in the analysis of
international trade policies, global economic systems, and financial diplomacy.
Certified Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Specialist (CHRHS): Concentrates on
international human rights law, humanitarian aid delivery, and diplomacy to address global human rights
Certified Global Environmental Diplomacy Expert (CGEDX): A certification for
professionals engaged in the negotiation and implementation of international environmental agreements and
climate change policies.
Certified Global Governance and Multilateral Diplomacy Professional (CGGMDP): Focuses
on the principles and practices of multilateral diplomacy, international organizations, and the resolution
of global challenges through cooperative governance.
Certified Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communications Expert (CPDSCE): Specializes in
the use of communication strategies, media relations, and cultural diplomacy in advancing international
Certified Foreign Policy Analyst (CFPA): A certification for professionals who analyze
and advise on foreign policy decisions, their implications, and the global context in which they occur.
Certified International Law and Institutions Specialist (CILIS): Specializes in the
application of international law, treaties, and the operations of international institutions such as the
UN, WTO, and ICC.
Certified Diplomatic History and Theory Expert (CDHTE): Focuses on the study of
diplomatic history, theoretical frameworks in international relations, and their practical application in
modern diplomacy.
Certified Peace and Security Studies Professional (CPSSP): A certification that focuses
on peacebuilding, post-conflict reconstruction, and the role of diplomacy in securing global peace and