Here are Specialization Certifications

Specializations in diplomacy, international relations, and politics:

If you are already qualified, you may make REG PAYMENT  here to have your certification documents and member/Fellow Documents mailed to you address.  Email us directly to specify which certification you are eligible for and include your qualifying resume.

  1. Certified International Security and Conflict Resolution Specialist (CISCRS): Focuses on skills and knowledge related to conflict management, security analysis, and the resolution of international disputes.

  2. Certified Global Trade and Economics Diplomat (CGTED): Specializes in the analysis of international trade policies, global economic systems, and financial diplomacy.

  3. Certified Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Specialist (CHRHS): Concentrates on international human rights law, humanitarian aid delivery, and diplomacy to address global human rights issues.

  4. Certified Global Environmental Diplomacy Expert (CGEDX): A certification for professionals engaged in the negotiation and implementation of international environmental agreements and climate change policies.

  5. Certified Global Governance and Multilateral Diplomacy Professional (CGGMDP): Focuses on the principles and practices of multilateral diplomacy, international organizations, and the resolution of global challenges through cooperative governance.

  6. Certified Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communications Expert (CPDSCE): Specializes in the use of communication strategies, media relations, and cultural diplomacy in advancing international relations.

  7. Certified Foreign Policy Analyst (CFPA): A certification for professionals who analyze and advise on foreign policy decisions, their implications, and the global context in which they occur.

  8. Certified International Law and Institutions Specialist (CILIS): Specializes in the application of international law, treaties, and the operations of international institutions such as the UN, WTO, and ICC.

  9. Certified Diplomatic History and Theory Expert (CDHTE): Focuses on the study of diplomatic history, theoretical frameworks in international relations, and their practical application in modern diplomacy.

  10. Certified Peace and Security Studies Professional (CPSSP): A certification that focuses on peacebuilding, post-conflict reconstruction, and the role of diplomacy in securing global peace and stability.


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Motto and Mission

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

-- Teddy Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America