Global Press Press


2024 - Achived EU Accreditations for Board of Standards from QAHE, ECLBS, MACCA and SIS license for IOAS Accreditations in Europe.

2015 - Management Programs are accredited under ISO 9001 and 29990 with our Board of Standards in Europe.

2014 - Academy draws new members from around the world.

2012 - The Academy Recognizes the best political science degrees in the world. See List

June 2011 - The Standards Body agrees to consult with United Nations again and work with the Public Finance and Trade Programmes. See UN Civil Society

February 2011 - The Board  consults with US Federal Government on Business and Management Careers and The Future for the 4th year.

July 2010 - The  Certifying Board celebrates a decade of service in recognizes government recognized and accredited education as a certification path.

Jan 2009 - The Boards approved Management credentials featured in featured in: Forbes News, The Business Wire, Reuters Global News, EuroInvestor News UK, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar News, Digital50 News, Direkt Broker Germany News, Ad Hoc News, Centre Daily News, Earth Times, Yahoo News, University of California News, NEWS, Express Computers Business News in India, and more.

July 2008 - Advisory Board Meetings in San Diego.

Jan 2008 - Expansion of approved programs in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

April 2007 - Committee Meetings in New York City with representatives from other countries

Feb. 2007 - New Degree Programs selected and approved.

Jan. 2006 - Advisory meetings held in Asia to establish global standards

Dec. 2004 - Global Advisory Board meets in Europe for discussions on international relations.

2000 - IBS GBM forms alliance with the Graduate Leadership Institute. IBS now offers Sales Management Training and Certification.

1998 - A board of standards for certification created to mandate high standards in certification.

1997 - The academy founded. The CPS Certified Political Scientist designation established.

1996 - The Certified Political Legal Analyst credential founded.


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Motto and Mission

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

-- Teddy Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America